Case Studies

Case of Lichen Planus in Buccal Cavity

Mr. K. was seen in the clinic with the chief complaint of white vesicular eruptions in buccal cavity and bluish and white discoloration on tongue. Bluish discoloration of buccal mucosa since a year. Dryness of mouth with stitching pain and burning in buccal cavity, spicy food, sweets, chocolates. Pain touch, night. Pain in throat on swallowing

K/C/O Hypothyroid. Taking medicine and Applying Lyderm-Topical Corticosteroid over the buccal cavity and tongue.

General: Appetite: Good, Desires: Spicy, Sour, Aversion: Sweets. Thirst: 6-8 glass of water. Thirsty large quantity at long interval. Reucrrent Apthous

Mentals: Highly irritable and dominating by nature. Gets angry even on small matters and speaks on face. Wants everything to be done according to his wish. Quarrelsome by nature but coold down soon. If in controversy with someone will never see the face of the person again. Even with the boss will speak on face or fight. Cannot tolerate injustice. Will revolt. Likes listening music, reading. Impulsive. Always in a hurry. Abusive by nature.Takes time to mix with people. Fear of height. Anticipatory anxiety and anxiety about health.

Homeopathic medicines were administered reporting burning on tongue and buccal cavity better by 70% eventually and lyderm been completely stopped in tapering dose . Patient continuously reported to do well with remarkable improvement in his complaints and was able to eat somewhat all kind of spicy stuff.

Case of seizure with speech delay

A 6 year boy was seen in the clinic with the chief complaint of seizure since 8 months of age. During the attack, the right side of the body goes into spasm with clenching of teeth and watery eyes. MRI revealed multiple foci of subcortical increased signal in both hemisphere. The boy had received head injury at 3 months of age. Unable to speak-can utter words only but understanding is good.

Generals: Appetite: Good, Desire: rice and potato, Aversion: Sour, Ketchup, Bowel: Regular, Sleep: Sound, keeps pen in mouth.

Hyperactive and highly aggressive by nature. Loves music and dance. Restless. Cannot sit in one place. Always likes to play. He always wants to close the door as if fear of strangers coming in the house. Destructive by nature. Hit the other children very much. He always something in his hand. Clinging. Fear of noise and darkness.

After homeopathic medicine was given aggressiveness was much decreased and started uttering more words. After couple of follow ups with desired medicine accordingly, the understanding improved remarkably and voice became more clear and was able to speak full sentences. No incidence of seizures were reported since the treatment was started. Doing great work in class and gets certificates for good work..

Case of Asthma

A 10 years old boy was seen in the clinic accompanied by his mother with the chief complaint of continous cough and cold since 2 months. The complaint would start from running nose, sneezing and then coughing leads to breathlessness. The complaints started with a stomach flu. During the attack, he had gasping respiration. Was diagnosed with asthma at the age of 4 years. Was taking Pulmicort almost on a regular basis as and when needed.

Generals: Appetite; Complete loss of appetite since 2 months. Desires Sweet and ketch up. Bowel habits: regular and would only drink 2-3 glasses of water per day. In the past had recurrent infection of cough and cold, with recurrent ear infection and tonsillitis.

The boy was short tempered and irritable by nature. Does not listen to his mother and would answer on face. Would shout and shriek. Obstinate by nature. Mixes up easily with people. Confident about himself. Careless and restless by nature. Likes playing trick with people. Hurried and irritable by nature. Desires company . Careless with a weeping tendency.

The treatment was started with miasmatic medicine and taking into consideration the living parameters of the basement, homeopathic medicine one dose once a week was prescribed for four weeks. After 15 days mother reported that breathlessness was getting better. The child reported after a month feeling better and not taken a dose of pulmicort since then . Patient reported to have occasional cough and cold with continous improvement in his complaints. Patient has not suffered from any asthamatic episode since then as mother was in touch with me till long.

Case of hair loss over eyebrows and moustaches

Mr I visited the clinic with the chief complaint of loss of hair from eye-brows left side and from mustache since 5-6 years. Hair loss from beards. The part itch before the hair fall starts. Has taken Thuja M.T., Sepia 30, Kali Sulph in the past for the complaints

General: Thin built of the patient. Appetite: Good with desires for sweet and fruits. Mouth feels dry and always likes to drink water. Perspiration profuse all over body.

Reserve and introvert by nature. Keeps the things to himself. Prefers to be alone. Parents are living alone in Guina. Thinks a lot about them but can’t help it. Impatient, hurried and impulsive by nature. Not much social or outgoing kind of person. Have no real friend. Marriage is not my choice. He married his wife as wanted to come to Canada. Not very much involved with his wife with heart. Anticipatory anxiety. Feels homesick. Timid by nature and cannot take his own decisions. Cannot spend money easily and is careful in his work. Dreams of talking and chating with his father.

Homeopathic medicines were administer and the patient reported complete regrowth of eyebrow and mustache hairs and no further hair loss.

Case of Backache

Mr S. visited the clinic with the chief complaint of backache since 1 year. Pain started all of the sudden. He was bending and then when he got up the pain started suddenly. The patient works in steel company and has to lift heavy stuff. Pain in lumber region extending down the right leg. Pain < sitting, walking, standing, on waking and > lying on painful side and massage. Patient also had a constant urge to pass urine. He had to stop the car while driving often in order to go to washroom.

Generals: Appetite: Good, Bowel Habits: Regular once a day, Perspiration: Profuse on forehead, Sleep: Sound, Mouth: Occasional Stomatitis.

Mentals: Aggressive by nature. Used to play Kabbaddi in India and used to go to gym. Used to fight physically with people when in controversy. When in anger, shouts and throws the things. Obstinate by nature. Has a feeling should be given respect by everyone. Prefers to be in a company. Cannot remain alone.

Mr. S. Was given a homeopathic medicine and during the course of treatment within two months reported 80% improvement in pain and stiffness and in urinary complaints.

Case of Sore throat

A 16 year old boy seen in the clinic with the chief complaint of sore throat after having pineapple juice. Pricking sensation in the throat when swallowing.

General: Appetite: Good and desires sweet. Perspiration: Profuse over all body, more on palms, Thirst: 10-15 glass/day. Chilly patient.

Desires loneliness. Takes time to mix with people. Inquisitve by nature. In his topics of interest feels like going very deeply into it and thinks why and how did it happened.Cannot concentrate the mind on one topic. Needs change. Restless both mentally and physically. Likes to share the things with other people. No stage fear. Yielding and let go nature. Very much pampered by father. Squanders money on books. Competitive by nature. Cannot stand 2nd in class. Always wants to be first in everything. No jealously. Careful and fastidious by nature. Complete the work with full planning. Wants to win the Nobel Prize inventing something new. Punctual in time and work. Fear of height. Presenting himself in a new environment leads to anxiety.

Homeopathic medicine was administered and was reported doing well after that.